what sewing needle for jeans

The needles for Jean:

  • Size 90: jeans and fine denim, medium cotton twill.
  • Size 100 – 110: jeans and medium denim, thick cotton twill.
  • Size 130: thick jeans and denim, fabric for workwear, etc.

Which needle to sew jeans?

If you are sewing jeans, it is important to choose a needle that suits your fabric.

To sew jeans, the best needle is probably a 90/100-millimeter needle. This needle has a sharp tip and is used for fabrics such as denim or canvas. It adapts to thicker fabrics and does not break when sewing thick fabrics such as denim jeans.

What needle size for jeans?

Jean: Not surprisingly, the “jean” needle is made for fabrics from the jeans and denim family. It allows you to cross the canvas which is very dense. There are sizes between 90 and 130. For a beginner or intermediate machine (less than 800 euros) I recommend needles between 90 and 110.

I recommend that you use a denim needle when you sew jeans or denim fabric because these fabrics are thick and heavy and they need special treatment in order to sew them with ease as well as good results.

If you want your seams to be very neat, it is recommended that you use a “duckbill” needle or an overlocker needle which has a thread guide on the end of the thread so that it can be threaded properly without getting tangled up with other threads during the sewing process.

Another reason why using this type of needle makes sewing more comfortable is that it helps to prevent the pulling of threads from different places on your fabric during the sewing process so that you will have smooth seams without pulling or stretching out of shape during the sewing process.

Which needle for which thread?

Cotton-polyester thread: it is very resistant and suitable for synthetic fabrics. Needle size: 80 or 90. Polyester thread: it is strong and elastic, and it is suitable for polyester fabrics. Use 100 or 110 needles.

Which thread tension for which fabric?

The thread tension is determined by the fabric thickness, or how tightly it is woven. A thin fabric requires a lower upper thread tension than a thicker fabric, and often an even lower tension for very thin fabrics.

In general, a thin fabric requires a lower upper thread tension than a thicker one.

If you look at seams made on your fabric scrap, you’ll see that if you have multiple knots on top of your stitches, then your thread is too loose. If there are no knots on top of your stitches, then your needle is too tight.

So first make sure that there are no knots on top of your stitches; then adjust the needle until there are no more than two knots on top of your stitches.

Found 18 related questions

Which needle to sew thin fabric?

The Microtex® needle

Available in six sizes (60/8, 70/10, 80/12, 90/14, 100/16, and 110/18), it is preferred for sewing fine and delicate fabrics. With a very fine and pointed tip, it is used with cotton thread or silk thread.

How to recognize a stretch needle?

Stretch needles

They are quite similar to those for jerseys. Their tip is slightly thinner and narrower than the jersey. It is used to sew fabrics containing elastane such as stretch jeans. It can be interchanged with the special jersey but do a test on a scrap of fabric.

The size of the hole in these needles is larger than normal, which allows more yarn to be inserted into it easily. You can only use this needle for making a small hole; otherwise, it will damage your needle.

Stretch needles have a striated surface and have a slightly different feel to them when compared to jersey needles. They come in various sizes, all marked on the needle with their size in millimeters (mm). They are available in needle cases which include a range of different sizes so you don’t have to keep track of individual needles in your sewing basket!

Why does the sewing machine needle break?

The sewing machine needle is broken due to several reasons:

  1. The upper thread was not threaded correctly (for example, the spool pin is not installed correctly, the spool pin cap is too large, or the thread has come out of the needle bar thread guide).
  2. The upper thread was not threaded correctly (for example, the spool pin is not installed correctly, the spool pin cap is too large, or the thread has come out of the needle bar thread guide).
  3. The upper thread was not threaded correctly (for example, the spool pin is not installed correctly, or its cap is too large).

How to recognize the size of a sewing machine needle?

The size of a sewing machine needle is indicated by the two numbers at the bottom (in the example 80/12). These two numbers correspond to two different systems, the American system, and the European system.

The American system uses a letter and number combination to describe the size of a needle. The number represents the diameter in millimeters, while the letter represents whether it is a blunt or sharp needle.

The European system uses letters that represent different sizes of needles; this includes both blunt and sharp needles.

Which needle to sew several layers of?

As a rule of thumb, the thicker the fabric, the bigger needle you should use. If you have a thick cotton fabric that requires a thick needle then you will need to go for 90 or 100 needles. If it is a thick wool or linen fabric, then go for 110 needles.

If your thread breaks and tears your fabric, then go for a thinner needle. The thinner the needle, the more likely it will break when sewing through a thick fabric.

If you need to sew several layers of cloth together then I would recommend going for 110 needles.

This is because if you sew with 110 needles and then try to pull the thread through both layers of cloth together (which is very easy), then it is possible that one of these layers might tear slightly under tension (depending on how tight they are). You would only notice this if you look at the finished product very closely, so as an experiment I recommend sewing with 90 needles first before moving onto 110 needles!

What is PUL fabric?

The PUL is a waterproof but breathable fabric composed of 2 layers. On one side we have a slightly stretchy fabric, usually a very thin polyester interlock (1 mm thick), supple and soft. To make the PUL waterproof, a polyurethane plastic membrane is laminated to this interlock.

The other layer is made of polyurethane film (3-5 mm thick). This film provides additional protection against water and dirt, but at the same time allows moisture to escape from the garment. The two layers are sewn together to create a watertight barrier between your body and the outside world.

Which brand of needles to choose?

You can only find the best brands of machine needles in our store. We offer you only the best manufacturers of sewing machines: Schmetz, Bohin and Singer.

The brand name may be different, but the quality is always the same: high-quality needles that guarantee a perfect stitch and less wear and breakage than standard needles.

What are needles?

In sewing, there are many types of needles depending on your fabric or your work: universal needles, stretch/jersey, jeans, leather, microtex… Embroiderers require embroidery needles of size 75 or 90 universal or Gold Titanium . Coverstitch machines require ELX 80 or 90 needles.

What type of sewing machine thread?

Ideally, we take a Polyester thread. 100% cotton thread is brittle and can only sew cotton. We prefer polyester which can sew any type of fabric and when it is of quality will be stronger.

When buying the thread for your sewing machine, you should consider your desired use for the machine. If you have a general-purpose sewing machine, like an embroidery machine or quilting machine, you don’t need a high-quality thread to sew on fabrics that are durable and strong like denim jeans or canvas belts. You can get away with using lower-quality cotton or polyester threads on these types of materials. However, if you’re using your machine for more delicate projects like clothing or home décor items that require higher quality threads such as polyester or nylon, then make sure to match the strength and durability specifications of your threads to the fabric that you’re working with.

What sewing machine needle number?

Universal needles:

Size 60 (very thin): muslin, lace, cotton, silk or synthetic veil, organza, tulle… Size 70 (thin): linen veil, viscose fabric, taffeta, batiste, fine crepe, organdy, … Size 80 (standard): poplin, canvas, crepe, fine velvet, fine wool, linen, piqué, …

How to choose the thread tension of a sewing machine?

On the upper thread tension setting control, you can usually choose between 0 and 9. The basic setting is normally indicated between 4 and 5. Before working on a fabric a sample should be used to set the tension.

When to change the needle of a sewing machine?

From experience, we advise you to change the needle every 8 to 10 hours of sewing. A needle wears out as it passes through tissue. Similarly, after sewing thick fabrics (jeans, woolens, upholstery, velvet, etc.) check your needle.

You can tell if your needle is worn out when you pull on it with a thread and it bends back into place with a little resistance. If this happens quickly, your needle is probably almost worn out.

The main reason to replace your needle is if you see the slightest bit of fraying on the underside of the point or if there is any sign of warping at all (the point bends in one direction more than another). If this happens after only one or two hours of use then it may be time for a new needle.

Why the cat of a needle?

Sewing machine needles are said to be headed because the hole is on the pointed side.

How to store sewing needles?

If you want to store your sewing needles in a more organized way, then you can use a needle roll. This is a cylindrical container that can hold several sets of scissors or other tools. You can divide it into sections using a marker.

If you want to store your sewing needles in a more organized way, then you can use a needle roll. This is a cylindrical container that can hold several sets of scissors or other tools. You can divide it into sections using a marker.

You will then mark on each section the size of the needles or their type (B for embroidery needles, etc.).

Where to throw sewing machine needles?

Throw them in a needle box (for syringes) and ask your pharmacist. Plant them in a cork before throwing them away. Put them in a glass spice jar (you can also put them in a jam jar or a tic tac box)

Which stitch for which fabric?

The zigzag stitch

The zigzag stitch is the most used stitch for sewing stretchy fabrics. It’s a seam that does not break when the fabric stretches. But also for the edges of the fabric if you don’t have a serger. And also as a decorative stitch for sewing appliqués and buttons (with length 0).

The reason why it’s so important to choose this stitch is because it allows you to sew more layers of fabric together than other stitches. For example: If you want to sew two layers of fabric together, but they have different thicknesses, then using zigzag stitches will allow you to sew them together without having any gaps or holes between them.

Which needle to use for cotton?

For anything that is a sheer, cotton, silk, or even synthetic, it is advisable to stay on a Standard (Universal) needle. The normal tip is perfectly suited for this type of fabric. However, a very small size is recommended, a diameter of 60 is a must.

What is a dual feed foot?

Your machine’s feed dogs are two or three short, thin metal bars, crossed with diagonal teeth, in the needle plate of a sewing machine, under your presser foot. They move back and forth pulling your fabric under the presser foot as you sew.

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